Thursday, August 18, 2011

Core: Palkia / Kingdra

Bring in the Ubers! This is an offensive core utilizing Palkia and Kingdra as parallel sweepers in the rain. Their typing is not the only thing they share; they have common counters, too. Palkia and Kingdra's STABs have excellent type coverage and also pack a hefty punch, allowing them to break apart teams and prepare each other for a sweep.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Set: Wish + Calm Mind Jirachi

Jirachi @ Leftovers
Trait: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 HP / 224 Def / 32 Spe
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Wish
- Calm Mind
- Flash Cannon
- Thunderbolt / Hidden Power (Fire) / Hidden Power (Ground)

Yes, I realize this is almost exactly the same as the Wish + Calm Mind Jirachi set from Generation 4. However, this set is just as (if not more) effective in Generation 5, as well, with Lati@s unbanned and new additions, such Reuniclus, to set up on.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Set: 3 Attacks Celebi

Celebi @ Life Orb
Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature (+Spe, -Atk)
- Leaf Storm / Giga Drain
- Hidden Power (Fire) / Hidden Power (Ice)
- Psychic / Earth Power
- Recover

Offensively, Celebi is usually seen as a Nasty Plot sweeper. However, due to the use of Recover, the Nasty Plot set is limited to only two attacking moves, giving it minimal type coverage. This set aims to take advantage of the good type coverage Celebi has with a non-boosting offensive set.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Set: Mixed Tauros

Tauros @ Life Orb
Trait: Sheer Force
EVs: 224 Atk / 108 SpA / 176 Spe
Naive Nature (+Spe, -SpD)
- Rock Climb
- Fire Blast
- Ice Beam
- Earthquake

Tauros has taken a big step up from Generation 4. With its new (released) Dream World ability Sheer Force, it can now effectively make use of its great special movepool in a mixed wall-breaking set. As an added bonus, Sheer Force also prevents Tauros from taking Life Orb damage, which may be a surprise for some opponents.