Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Set: Wish + Calm Mind Jirachi

Jirachi @ Leftovers
Trait: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 HP / 224 Def / 32 Spe
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Wish
- Calm Mind
- Flash Cannon
- Thunderbolt / Hidden Power (Fire) / Hidden Power (Ground)

Yes, I realize this is almost exactly the same as the Wish + Calm Mind Jirachi set from Generation 4. However, this set is just as (if not more) effective in Generation 5, as well, with Lati@s unbanned and new additions, such Reuniclus, to set up on.

Max HP is mandatory for the bulk, and 32 speed EVs allow Jirachi to outrun max speed Tyranitar. The rest of the EVs are dumped into defense.

Wish and Calm Mind are the cruxes of the set. With these two moves, Jirachi can comfortably set up against Lati@s (without Roar), Reuniclus, and most Tyranitar, among others. Prepare with Wish and boost up as your opponent's damage is negated by Wish recovery. As far as attacks go, in Generation 5, Psychic is outclassed by Flash Cannon due to the presence of Lati@s, Reuniclus, and the popularity of Tyranitar. However, Psychic does help significantly against Rotom-W. You have several options for your second attacking move. Thunderbolt helps against Skarmory, Jellicent and other bulky waters, and most Steel-types (bar Excadrill and Ferrothorn). Hidden Power (Fire) hits Skarmory, Excadrill, Ferrothorn, Scizor, opposing Jirachi, and friends, but leaves you weak to Heatran and most Water-types. Hidden Power (Ground) beats Heatran, helps against opposing Jirachi, and lands a neutral hit on Ferrothorn, but leaves you vulnerable against Skarmory and most Water-types as well. I prefer to use Thunderbolt and pair this set with Heatran to scare off Ferrothorn, but pick the attack that best suits your own team.

Because Jirachi is seen very rarely as anything other than a specially-defensive tank in Generation 5, this set also gains a bit of surprise factor, which may in turn give you an extra turn to setup for your sweep. Overall, Wish + Calm Mind Jirachi remains a very effective set in Generation 5, and with proper team support, can easily pull off a sweep.

(No damage calculations due to the variation in damage depending on the number of Calm Minds you have under your belt - without any you won't be doing a whole lot.)

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