Monday, August 15, 2011

Set: Mixed Tauros

Tauros @ Life Orb
Trait: Sheer Force
EVs: 224 Atk / 108 SpA / 176 Spe
Naive Nature (+Spe, -SpD)
- Rock Climb
- Fire Blast
- Ice Beam
- Earthquake

Tauros has taken a big step up from Generation 4. With its new (released) Dream World ability Sheer Force, it can now effectively make use of its great special movepool in a mixed wall-breaking set. As an added bonus, Sheer Force also prevents Tauros from taking Life Orb damage, which may be a surprise for some opponents.

Tauros' most attractive option as a STAB move would be Body Slam, but sadly, Body Slam is obtained through move tutors in previous generations, and thus, is illegal with Sheer Force. Rock Climb is the next best thing, with 10 less accuracy than Body Slam and 5 more BP. With Sheer Force's boost, Rock Climb becomes a 117 BP STAB attack - almost as strong as Double Edge. Earthquake, even without the Sheer Force boost, is still your best option against the likes of Tyranitar and specially defensive Jirachi. Ferrothorn is always 2HKO'd by Fire Blast while Gliscor is always OHKO'd by Ice Beam. The speed EVs along with a Naive nature allow Tauros to outspeed +speed natured max speed base 100 Pokemon.

Tauros doesn't need much team support to do its job. Instead, look at Pokemon that benefit from Ferrothorn and/or Gliscor being out of the way (such as Lati@s and Excadrill). Overall, Tauros is an effective and unexpected wall breaker capable of dealing serious damage to a team's defensive core when used properly.

Damage Calcs:
Rock Climb vs 252 HP / 252 Def Bold Blissey: 51.4% - 60.5% 2HKO with SR

Fire Blast vs 252 HP / 252 SpD Sassy Ferrothorn: 65.91% - 77.27% 2HKO
Fire Blast vs 252 HP / 252 SpD Careful Skarmory: 47.9% - 56.29% 2HKO with SR
Fire Blast vs 252 HP / 252 SpD Careful Jirachi: 32.18% - 37.62% 3-4HKO

Ice Beam vs 252 HP Gliscor: 100.56% - 118.64% OHKO
Ice Beam vs 252 HP Dragonite (Multiscale): 36.27% - 43.01%
          (No Multiscale): 72.54% - 86.01%  2HKO

Earthquake vs 252 HP Tyranitar (Leftovers): 52.97% - 62.38% 2HKO with SR
Earthquake vs 252 HP Jirachi: 57.43% - 67.33% 2HKO

1 comment:

  1. That's actually a class set, i'd have never of thought of it, i'll defiantly give it a whirl sometime.
