Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Set: 3 Attacks Celebi

Celebi @ Life Orb
Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature (+Spe, -Atk)
- Leaf Storm / Giga Drain
- Hidden Power (Fire) / Hidden Power (Ice)
- Psychic / Earth Power
- Recover

Offensively, Celebi is usually seen as a Nasty Plot sweeper. However, due to the use of Recover, the Nasty Plot set is limited to only two attacking moves, giving it minimal type coverage. This set aims to take advantage of the good type coverage Celebi has with a non-boosting offensive set.

STAB Leaf Storm hits like a truck, however, after using it you are vulnerable to Pursuit. Giga Drain is the safer alternative, and the healing helps with Life Orb recoil. Hidden Power (Fire) is useful for its ability to hit Ferrothorn, Skarmory, and most importantly, Scizor, super-effectively. However, Hidden Power (Ice) is useful, too, for its ability to KO Dragonite after Stealth Rock damage. Psychic is a solid secondary STAB attack, and it also beats down Conkeldurr, Gengar, and the like. Without Earth Power, however, Heatran walls you. Earth Power also helps against Ninetales and hits Jirachi harder than Hidden Power (Fire) does. Recover allows Celebi to continue its rampage, as its natural bulk allows it to survive most neutral hits. With so many options, attack choice should be based upon what your team needs most.

Even with three attacks, Celebi can't handle everything. Depending on your move choice in slots 2 and 3, pick your teammates appropriately. For example, if you opt to use Psychic, make sure you have a counter to Heatran, such as Jellicent. In short, with three attacks, Celebi's diverse type coverage can allow it to eliminate more threats than usual.

Damage Calcs (all assuming HP Fire, bar HP Ice calcs):
Leaf Storm vs 252 HP / 76 SpD Sassy Tyranitar (in Sand): 69.06% - 81.68%
-2 SpA Leaf Storm vs 252 HP / 76 SpD Sassy Tyranitar (in Sand): 34.9% - 40.84% 2HKO
Leaf Storm vs 252 HP / 32 SpD Jellicent: 113.61% - 133.66% OHKO

Giga Drain vs 252 HP / 76 SpD Sassy Tyranitar (Leftovers) (in Sand): 37.13% - 43.81% 3HKO with SR
Giga Drain vs 252 HP / 32 SpD Jellicent: 60.89% - 72.03% 2HKO

Hidden Power Fire vs 252 HP / 252 SpD Sassy Ferrothorn: 62.5% - 73.86% 2HKO
Hidden Power Fire vs 252 HP / 252 SpD Careful Skarmory: 44.91% - 52.69% 3HKO
Hidden Power Fire vs 252 HP / 216 SpD Scizor: 91.86% - 108.14% OHKO with SR
Hidden Power Fire vs 252 HP / 252 SpD Careful Jirachi: 29.7% - 35.15% 4HKO with SR

Hidden Power Ice vs 252 HP Dragonite (Multiscale): 43.01% - 50.78%
(No Multiscale): 86.01% - 101.55% 2HKO, OHKO with SR

Psychic vs 120 HP / 136 SpD Conkeldurr: 98.43% - 116.54% OHKO with SR
Psychic vs Gengar: 155.17% - 182.76% OHKO

Earth Power vs 252 HP / 252 SpD Calm Heatran: 76.68% - 90.16% 2HKO
Earth Power vs 252 HP / 92 SpD Ninetales: 55.43% - 65.14% 2HKO
Earth Power vs 252 HP / 252 SpD Careful Jirachi: 38.12% - 45.05% 3HKO


  1. It would be wise to slash Hidden Power Ice instead of Hidden Power Fire if your team beats Scizor with relative ease just to beat threats like Dragonite after Stealth Rock damage.

  2. @Dan

    Good idea, for some reason that escaped me. Implementing right now, thanks.
